The Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope

"Bonus Episodes"

Sometimes, we just like to throw an extra episode out there. Lucky you!

Soviet propaganda poster promoting collectivization

Moron or Madman? Addenda

duped by Mendelist-Morganists

We thought our episode on Trofim Lysenko was too focused on the what and when rather than the how and why. This bonus episode should clear things up.

Categories: Bonus Episodes, History, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, Least Popular, Science & Nature, Supplement, The Marvels of Science



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Errata #1

in which we own up to some mistakes

Errata for Cold Hard Cash; Hold Fast What Thou Hast; Spirit Princess; Milking It for All It's Worth; Pleadings from Asbury Park and The Centers of All Things.

Categories: Bonus Episodes, Errata

