The Brouhaha
when abstract art when on trial
Is Constantin Brâncuși's "Bird in Space" a masterpiece, or just a hunk of polished bronze? Why not let the courts decide?
Categories: Arts & Culture, Series 1
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
Designed by #13 at Lodge #777.
Series 1 of the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope podcast ran from August 12 to October 21, 2019 and featured episodes from #7 and #13 on such diverse topics as the legend of the jackalope; forgotten wars and war heroes; the ugliest men in baseball and movies; and the time modern art itself went on trial.
Is Constantin Brâncuși's "Bird in Space" a masterpiece, or just a hunk of polished bronze? Why not let the courts decide?
Categories: Arts & Culture, Series 1
They called him the Glutton of Glands, the Monster without Makeup, the Brute, the Creeper. His friends called him Rondo.
Categories: Biography, Entertainment & Media, Series 1
What happens when a micronation picks a fight with the world's largest empire? The shortest war in recorded history...
He may have had the best worst nickname in baseball, but "Ugly" Johnny Dickshot was more than just a pretty face. He was also a character.
Categories: Biography, Series 1, Sports & Leisure
He was the most celebrated war hero of his day, but is virtually forgotten today. We explore the life of Charles Vernon Gridley (1844-1898).
Categories: Biography, History, Series 1
Douglas Herrick invented the jackalope in 1932 by "enhancing" a mounted rabbit with a set of deer antlers. It's a nice story, but is it true?
Categories: Legendary Lands & Beasts, Series 1, Wild Card