An occult religion founded by Helena Blavatsky, Theosophy teaches that there are secret mysteries of which our modern religions are just pale emanations. Theosophical thought and ideas permeated a lot of late 19th century religious thinking, even in religions that weren’t explicitly Theosophical.
The Number of the Stars
are there really twelve planets?
New Age types keep saying that there are twelve planets. Where does that number come from, and what are these three extra planets supposed to be?
for one messiah, this is just the beginning of an exotic adventure
Where did Jesus get his ideas? Some people think he learned them in India. And some of those people have even ginned up fake evidence for that theory...
John Ballou Newbrough, Oahspe, and the Faithists of SHalam
In 1880, God dictated a new Bible to J.B. Newbrough, and then told him to move to New Mexico and open up the weirdest orphanage the world has ever seen.
The idea that color has healing power is a relatively modern (and utterly fallacious) one. We discuss its development through the 19th and 20th centuries.