Dangerous Excitement
good times never felt so good
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
Designed by #13 at Lodge #777.
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
A special treat: "Christmas Day" by Julia Ann Moore, the Sweet Singer of Michigan, read by the incomparable Eric Leslie.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Bonus Episodes, Least Popular
An instructive tale where Victorian scholars look back at five centuries of armor and just start making stuff up, because they're just ever-so-clever.
Categories: Popular Facts & Fallacies, Series 13, Sports & Leisure, The Quest for the Past
The Countess di Frasso was the most famous hostess in the world, who threw parties for kings; actors, athletes and aviators; Nazis and mobsters.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Biography, Eccentrics & Prophecies, Entertainment & Media, People & Places
Listen up, fruitcake... or, rather, listen up -- fruitcake! Everything you never wanted to know about your least favorite holiday treat.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Series 13, Strange Customs & Superstitions
For seven years he lived in hell, tormented nightly by a demon cat and the spectre of death. Finally, an angel told him what he had to do to end it all...
Categories: Footsteps into the Unknown, People & Places, Series 13
The story of Borley Rectory, the most haunted house in England. Just remember that the most and least haunted house are the exact same amount of haunted...
Categories: Footsteps into the Unknown, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, People & Places
This one has it all: the afterlife, evil stepmothers, Kickapoo princesses, the Romanovs, bigamy and fraud, ghost farts and spirit chickens.
Categories: Biography, Footsteps into the Unknown, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, People & Places, Series 13
A small gallery of some of William H. Mumler's best spirit photographs. (By which I mean "aesthetically pleasing", not "genuine.")
Categories: Arts & Culture, Footsteps into the Unknown, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, Supplement
In August, #7 and #13 took a road trip to visit some podcast-related sites in Pennsylvania.
Categories: Supplement
In 1862, William H. Mumler took the first known photograph of a ghost. Maybe. What unfolded next was an epic story of fraud and self-deception...
Categories: Biography, Footsteps into the Unknown, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, People & Places, Series 13
Why yes, of course we've gone out of our way to see the pickle-related sights. Here are a few of our favorites.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Supplement