Our intrepid #13 is one of the most dedicated explorers of forgotten knowledge and is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being you’ll ever know in your life. (He is also responsible for updating the website so take anything you read here with a grain of salt.)
Westward Huss
Minnesota Vikings can be found far beyond U.S. Bank Stadium
In which the vikings of Minnesota challenge the patriots of New England for the right to claim Vikings beat Columbus to the New World.
in which America asks the question: whither Vinland?
For years, archaeologists have searched in vain for the location of Leif Eriksson's Vinland. They should have just asked the good people of New England.
Henry Herbert Goddard (1866-1957), the man who made morons
H.H. Goddard's studies of the feeble-minded helped justify eugenics policies across the world... which is a tragedy because they junk science and lies.
Hello, friends and neighbors, and welcome to Oahspepals. It's the show where two non-believers read through the Oahspe and try not to be jerks about it.
What Can A Man Do With Babes? [The Book of Shalam]
Hello, friends and neighbors, and welcome to Oahspepals. It's the show where two non-believers read through the Oahspe and try not to be jerks about it.
John Ballou Newbrough, Oahspe, and the Faithists of SHalam
In 1880, God dictated a new Bible to J.B. Newbrough, and then told him to move to New Mexico and open up the weirdest orphanage the world has ever seen.