"Resist at Your Peril!"
The only thing standing between John Yates Beall and Johnson's Island was the USS Michigan... that and a terrible con man and the cowardice of his own men.
Categories: History, Series 14
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
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What’s round on the ends and hi in the middle? The state that’s often used as a shorthand for middle America, but which is actually very weird indeed.
The only thing standing between John Yates Beall and Johnson's Island was the USS Michigan... that and a terrible con man and the cowardice of his own men.
Categories: History, Series 14
When I learned that Ohio has a "John Hunt Morgan" heritage trail, and its end point was about a 45 minute drive away, well, I just had to check it out.
Categories: History, Supplement
Thomas Henry Hines had a cunning plan to free Confederate prisoners-of-war and establish a "Northwest Confederacy." Too bad it was doomed to fail.
Categories: History, Series 14
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
Did you know that Connecticut and Pennsylvania went to war multiple times over the area that's now scranton? Learn all about the Yankee-Pennamite Wars!
Would you believe there were Vikings in Washington, DC? Or West Virginia? Or Oklahoma? Or Hawaii? How about all of the above and none of the above?
Categories: Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, People & Places, Series 8, The Quest for the Past
Was "white savage" Simon Girty (1741-1818) a renegade and traitor, or a man of principle? We reexamine his history and try to figure out what made him tick.
Categories: Biography, History, Most Popular, Series 4