The Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope

"Cleveland, OH"

The Mistake by the Lake! (We may rag on Cleveland, since we’re based in Pittsburgh, but it’s a lovely city with a fascinating history.)

Ed Delahanty baseball card

Triple Jumper

the mysterious death of baseball superstar Ed Delahanty (1867-1903)

On July 2, 1903 Washington Senators outfielder Ed Delahanty walked out of the team's hotel in Detroit and disappeared.

Categories: Intriguing & Unsolved Mysteries, Series 7, Sports & Leisure



political cartoon about Nap Lajoie

French Leave

a baseball superstar, an irate owner, and a clever workaround

In 1902 baseball player Nap Lajoie was prohibited by law from entering the state of Pennsylvania. How did this weird state of affairs come to pass?

Categories: Series 4, Sports & Leisure

