Dangerous Excitement
good times never felt so good
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
Designed by #13 at Lodge #777.
America’s worst war, which we started for dubious reasons, proceeded to get our butts kicked, and only “won” because the British decided they’d rather beat up on Napoleon!
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
Was "white savage" Simon Girty (1741-1818) a renegade and traitor, or a man of principle? We reexamine his history and try to figure out what made him tick.
Categories: Biography, History, Most Popular, Series 4
An unusual cemetery leads us to the story of the Harmony Society (1803-1905), the richest communists in the world, and the saga of their rise and fall.
Categories: Eccentrics & Prophecies, History, Series 2