Eight Things We Like 1970
It's the break between Series 11 and 12, so you know what that means... another list of eight things we like!
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These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
Designed by #13 at Lodge #777.
Our favorite podcast is Mark Chrisler’s “The Constant.”
It's the break between Series 11 and 12, so you know what that means... another list of eight things we like!
Categories: Meta
Okay, so due to scheduling issues we're actually not taking all that much of a break... but here are eight things we like anyway!
Categories: Meta
Errata for The Hot House; French Leave; The Icelander; "I'm the Naughty Boy"; What-Is-It?; Moron or Madman?; Suffer Little Children; and more.
Categories: Bonus Episodes, Errata
Here are eight more things we like to fill the miscellaneous esoterica-shaped hole in your heart.
Categories: Meta
There's no new episode this week, so if you need your podcast fix why not try one of these eight things we like?
Categories: Meta
There's no episode this week, so if you need fix why not try one of these things we like?
Categories: Meta
On July 14, 1952 a mysterious man walked into the office of the American Physical Society and murdered secretary Eileen Fahey for no apparent reason.
Categories: Science & Nature, Series 5
There's no podcast this week, so if you need your fix why not try one of these eight other things?
Categories: Meta
Dr. Cyrus Reed Teed may have been a madman, or the Messiah, but only he was bold enough to tell the truth: that we live on the inside of a hollow Earth.
Categories: Eccentrics & Prophecies, Most Popular, People & Places, Series 4
There's no podcast this week, so if you need your fix of esoterica why not try one of these eight other things we like?
Categories: Meta
Lots of people have dabbled with strange home businesses -- but only one of them set up a radium refining facility in the basement of his suburban duplex.
Categories: Man's Amazing Inventions, Most Popular, Science & Nature, Series 3
We don't have a new episode this week, but here are eight other podcasts you might like to listen to!
Categories: Meta