Our intrepid #13 is one of the most dedicated explorers of forgotten knowledge and is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being you’ll ever know in your life. (He is also responsible for updating the website so take anything you read here with a grain of salt.)
Fuller Houses
R. Buckminster Fuller and his various Dymaxion Houses
It was a marvel of modern technology that promised to create freedom by liberating the mind... so why aren't you living in one right now?
the murder of Susan Mummey, the Witch of Ringtown Valley
For seven years he lived in hell, tormented nightly by a demon cat and the spectre of death. Finally, an angel told him what he had to do to end it all...
The story of Borley Rectory, the most haunted house in England. Just remember that the most and least haunted house are the exact same amount of haunted...