"Patience is Sour"
Thomas Henry Hines had a cunning plan to free Confederate prisoners-of-war and establish a "Northwest Confederacy." Too bad it was doomed to fail.
Categories: History, Series 14
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
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The greatest country on Earth. Except when it’s not. Keep it weird, America.
Thomas Henry Hines had a cunning plan to free Confederate prisoners-of-war and establish a "Northwest Confederacy." Too bad it was doomed to fail.
Categories: History, Series 14
In 1835 Maria Monk claimed that Montreal's Hôtel-Dieu convent was a vice den. She was making it all up... but Americans desperately wanted to believe her.
Categories: History, Hoaxes, Frauds & Forgeries, Series 13
This one has it all: sibling rivalry, country club politics, adultery, duels, the Civil War, Spanish colonial policy, and three giant piles of bird poop.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Daring & Epic Journeys, Series 13
One man's horrifying journey from toilet paper salesman to famous author to spiritual guru to American Hitler to space brother.
Categories: Biography, Eccentrics & Prophecies, History, Series 12
The US Navy invested heavily in rigid airships... only to lose the majority of their fleet in tragic accidents. Learn why we can't have nice things.
Categories: History, Man's Amazing Inventions, Series 11
In 1864 the Confederacy sent a privateer to destroy the whaling industry. It succeeded beyond their wildest dreams... but not until after the war was over.
Categories: Daring & Epic Journeys, History, Series 11
Everyone always talks about Nazi super-weapons, but nobody talks about Allied super-weapons. So how about a British aircraft carrier made out of ice?
Categories: Man's Amazing Inventions, Series 10, Wild Card
This week we've got all the hot Peacemaker spoilers you've been craving! Assuming you don't mean the John Cena show.
Categories: Bonus Episodes, History, Man's Amazing Inventions
Forty miles north of Chicago lies Zion, IL, a sleepy city with a sordid history of faith healing, financial fraud, flat Eartherism... and figs?
Categories: Eccentrics & Prophecies, People & Places, Series 6
Was "white savage" Simon Girty (1741-1818) a renegade and traitor, or a man of principle? We reexamine his history and try to figure out what made him tick.
Categories: Biography, History, Most Popular, Series 4
An unusual cemetery leads us to the story of the Harmony Society (1803-1905), the richest communists in the world, and the saga of their rise and fall.
Categories: Eccentrics & Prophecies, History, Series 2
He was the most celebrated war hero of his day, but is virtually forgotten today. We explore the life of Charles Vernon Gridley (1844-1898).
Categories: Biography, History, Series 1