"Resist at Your Peril!"
The only thing standing between John Yates Beall and Johnson's Island was the USS Michigan... that and a terrible con man and the cowardice of his own men.
Categories: History, Series 14
These articles and episodes are ©2019-2024 by their respective authors, and published by the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Jackalope. They are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
Designed by #13 at Lodge #777.
The only thing standing between John Yates Beall and Johnson's Island was the USS Michigan... that and a terrible con man and the cowardice of his own men.
Categories: History, Series 14
The Canadian revolution seemed over... and then the Redcoats seized an American ship, set it on fire, and sent it plunging over Niagara Falls.
Categories: History, Series 13
Listen up, fruitcake... or, rather, listen up -- fruitcake! Everything you never wanted to know about your least favorite holiday treat.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Series 13, Strange Customs & Superstitions